Frequently Asked Questions

What are the major benefits of using Satibo?
Satibo is a 100% herbal remedy, that stimulates and enhances, sexual and sensual experiences. This ancient Chinese recipe can be used to combat many forms of Sexual Dysfunction. Even if you dont suffer from any sexual problems, you can still take Satibo to experience great sex!

Are there any side effects of using Satibo?
Some pharmaceutical variants have been known to cause side effects, whereas the natural ingredients in Satibo cause none.

How does Satibo work on the body?
Satibo increases the blood flow to the erectile tissues within the penis, which in turn will increase the penis size, sex drive and 'staying power', while promoting a feeling of hightened sexual arousal.

Is Satibo classed as a herbal remedy?
All of the ingredients found in Satibo are 100% herbs, found naturally and extracted from their sources within controlled conditions. There is also a herbal food supplement, contained within the capsules for nutritional value.

Who should use satibo?
Satibo is suitable for anyone, from people who simply wish to enjoy a more satisfying sex life, to those who may suffer from Impotence in some form or another. It can be used by women with the same enhancing effects.

Satibo Capsule Dosages
Slight Impotence Although erection may be possible, erection power is weak. Possible premature ejaculation.
1 Capsule
Erection comes quickly, sustain time is increased.
Normal , Unhappy with sex life, short erection time. Or happy but looking for a more intense feeling of arousal
1-2 Capsules
Erection duration can be extended by 2 to 4 times, and can lead to a very satisfactory sex life.
Medium ImpotenceErection possible after time, premature ejaculation may occur.
2 Capsules
Erection of the penis rapidly achieved. Sustain time can be long.
Heavy ImpotenceThe erection of the penis is difficult and sexual function proves difficult.
2-3 Capsules
A sexual desire is gradually reinforced, with erection time gradually increasing. Satisfactory sex life is realisable.

Can women take Satibo Capsules?
Women can take Satibo capsules, they will feel an increase in sexuality and desire. Satibo also imparts a feeling of well being as a whole.

When should I take Satibo?
Satibo is finely milled to ensure rapid absorption, therefore a consumption time of one hour before a sexual act is recommended

How long do the effects of Satibo last for?
This depends on the individual, we have however had reports of Satibo working for up to twelve hours.

Are there any other benefits of Satibo?
The Satibo recipe has been known in the Far East for many thousands of years. Chinese Herbalists have used this formula to not only increase sexual activity and enjoyment but also to promote an overall feeling of well being.