Difference between Satibo & Viagra

Satibo Capsule has four big features compared with Viagra as below:

1. Erection speed is quicker than Viagra™ and a feeling of the erection power is strong.

2. Self-sustaining time is longer than Viagra™, and an excitement state continues for a long time.

3. A pleasant sensation is more abundant than Viagra™. Those who used Viagra understand, the feeling of fatigue after a sexual intercourse is strong, and there is suddenly weak and troublesome feeling. The sex hormone ingredient of chemicals is not contained, and Satibo Capsule adjusts the sex function of a human body by the method of reinforcing the secretion capability of own hormone completely, own potential power is fully demonstrated, and a rich feeling of sexual intercourse is produced. This is a greatest charm of Satibo Capsule.

4. Viagra™ has the common weak point of a chemistry energy agent, makes the blood vessel of the penis extend in an action of a chemical sex hormone ingredient, is only the one aspect which gives a stimulus to a sex function, is dangerous for an old man or debility. Since 100% ingredient of Satibo Capsule is a natural herbal medicine, there are no side effects, and it is safe, and a nutrition ingredient is also in it, and if it is used for a long time, there is a reinforcement action of a constitution. It is also the feature of the versatility of a Chinese medicine energy agent.
Maybe most of people think Satibo Capsule is only for men, but in fact it is as effective for women as it is for men. How to do if a woman is cold for sexual intercourse? To take Satibo Capsule, which will enhance the woman's sexual experience. Satibo Capsule stimulates the secretion of certain hormones, which in addition to increased blood flow stimulate the brain and sex organs, creating a sense of excitement and increased mental energy.

Viagra is a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc.
satibo.com.cn does not make any claims to the effectiveness of Viagra
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